Humpty Dumpty   Leave a comment

submitted: Laura Ewers
Preparation:  OHP’s or pictures of the story.

Ask the congregation to name a few of their favourite nursery rhymes.
When you get to Humpty Dumpty sing the rhyme through and comment on how
sad the story is.  Go on to tell them the real story of Humpty.  Humpty
lives in Eggland which is an egg shaped kingdom with a huge wall around
it.  Nobody has ever seen the king but he has left signs all over the
place saying ‘Do not climb on the wall!  By order of the King.’  Talk
about Humpty being bored and knocking for his friends who can’t come out
to play for various reasons: egg-xams, eggs-hausted, out eggs-ercising
etc.  Humpty decides to go out on his own.  Begins to wonder why king
doesn’t want them to climb the wall: too egg-citing? the other side
might be better than Eggland? wants to spoil their fun? etc (feel free
to egg-spand other reasons).  Humpty gets to wall… it is huge… not
too scary… decides to climb… egg-hausted gets to the top… not nice
over the wall… decides he wants to go back but needs a rest first.
Ask the congregation what happens next ‘Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall’…  Ask if anyone knows why Humpty fell
off the wall?  Take suggestions:  the reason being that eggs don’t have
bottoms so can’t sit down!  Humpty falls, his shell is badly cracked and
shattered and his white is seeping out.  Explain that if Humpty’s yolk
starts to come out he will begin to cook in the sun or animals will eat
him.  Either way if he doesn’t get help he will die.  King’s horses with
all their finery and grooming can’t fix him; King’s men with all their
fitness and training can’t fix him.  Humpty’s shell is so damaged that
he realises that he is dying when he sees something sparkling white
coming over the hill.  This egg’s shell is spotless and pure white,
Humpty is amazed.  Then he is horrified to realise it is the king
coming, who is bound to tell Humpty off for disobeying him.  Instead the
King is compassionate to him and greatly concerned.  Humpty apologises
for climbing the wall.  The King loves Humpty so much but knows his
shell is beyond fixing.  So the King gives Humpty his own shell and dies
instead…  Humpty is now fit and well and goes around telling people of
the king and how wonderful he was and loving.
Draw the parallels with the story of Jesus.  We all do stuff that’s
wrong which is called sin.  But the Bible tells us that God is so good
that he can’t let sin go unpunished, which meant that we couldn’t go to
heaven. But God loved us so much he came down to earth as Jesus and He
died to take our place and our deserved punishment for sin.

Posted August 29, 2010 by dgbmcc in General

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